I’m a tenant

We can assist you in property searches and support in agreement of lease terms, give you portfolio management advice and support in the sale or acquisitions of premises, and provide you with advisory services and market analysis for portfolio expansion.

High Street

  • In the high street sector our team is unrivalled with the leading position on the market, delivering advisory and leasing services to both landlords and tenants.
  • To date our team has leased over 1,250 high street shops in major cities in the Czech republic, which counts for almost 340,000 sq m of retail area.

Shopping Centres

  • Our dedicated shopping centers team is advising on leasing and releasing of numerous shopping centers, factory outlets and other retail properties.
  • To date our team has leased 40 new shopping centers and continues releasing numerous properties across the Czech Republic. In total, we have leased more than 1,620,000 sq m of retail space in shopping centers.

Tenant Representation

  • Expansion
    • Data
    • Competition analysis
    • Locations
    • Conditions negotiation
    • Final deal closing support
    • Market entrance support
  • Leases Management
    • Lease renewals
    • Savings
  • Optimization
    • Disposals (whole/partial)
    • Savings Consultancy
    • Data
  • Market analysis and overview
    • Data
    • Consultancy
    • Valuations

Annually we secure more than 30 new locations for our clients and negotiate over 500,000 EUR in savings.